Women for Meaningful Summits records, 1984-1997.


Women for Meaningful Summits records, 1984-1997.

Records of a social action organization based in Washington D.C. and initially established in 1985 as Women for a Meaningful Summit to promote political responsibility and ensure a meaningful outcome of the 1985 Geneva summit meetings between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. WMS became fully incorporated as a non-profit in 1987 and the name changed to Women for Meaningful Summits/USA. Along with establishing themselves as a presence at international summits WMS became a clearinghouse for the activities of other social action groups, peace organizations and feminist organizations. The collection contains meeting minutes, by-laws, articles of incorporation, correspondence, financial records, summit and event materials, international relations information, media coverage, and records of partner organizations.

2.9 c.f. (7 archives boxes and 1 oversize folder),32 photographs, and1 tape recording.


SNAC Resource ID: 7680219

Wisconsin Historical Society Archives

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